Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sale~And what I found.

Last Friday I went to Anthropologie in search of the IDRA Frill Force Coat. With no luck. I should of just ordered it online...Or bought it the week before and gotten a price adjustment...hind sight is 50/50. Oh well maybe I'll get lucky and find it on Ebay eventually. Also I'm still looking for that RicRac Weather Patterns dress.

I did find 2 shirts while I was there. So that at least made my trip worth it.

Pictured here is the Lossely Looped Tee. I bought it in Green originally $58 and on sale for $29.95.

The RicRac top I bought isn't on Anthro's site...so photos of that to come later.

Also Anthro just did markdowns and lots of gloves, belts, cardigans.

And THIS top that I so want. It's totally up my alley. Blouse, with Ruffles, quite reminds me of my green one! So I'm thinking I may take a trip down to UVillage is in my very near future! It's the Odille Whitecaps Blouse!

Happy Shopping~!!

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